MASCO Catalog: Construction Liquid and Powder

65 MASONS SUPPLY COMPANY Oregon (800) 537-3407 ♦ Washington (800) 537-6216 ♦ Clackamas | Eugene | West Eugene | Hillsboro | Medford | Portland | Salem | Ridgefield | Seattle | Tacoma | Woodinville DRY SHAKE FLOOR HARDENING GUIDE Dry Shake Floor Hardeners The concrete slump should not exceed 5”. The addition of too much water to the concrete mix will significantly lower the compressive strength and the durability of the concrete surface. For all shake-on floor hardeners the base slab should not contain more than 3% entrained air. The problem with too much air entrainment is that it can excessively slow down bleed water migration to the concrete surface, which will create finishing problems. It can also create blisters on the concrete surface due to the trapping of the air in the concrete slab. Typically the use of a vapor barrier underneath the concrete slab is not recommended for shake-on floor hardeners applications. All of the moisture in the slab must then migrate out to the top surface. This creates long delays before the application of the shake-on floor hardener begins. Also a vapor barrier can create a curling problem with differential drying of the base slab unless the curing conditions are perfect. No calcium chloride admixtures should be allowed in the concrete. During application of the shake-on floor hardener, two application of the material are preferred over one. Typically 2/3 of the material is applied during the first pass and the balance on the second pass. This helps ensure that no areas on the concrete surface were missed during the application. The preferred method of applying a shake-on floor hardener is with a mechanical spreader. If the material is applied by hand or shovel, do not throw the material too far or too high. This can result in a separation of fines and granular material in the shake-on material. After the concrete has been poured, screeded into place and floated with a wood bull float, apply the shake-on after initial bleed water has disappeared. Allow the shake-on to remain unworked until it soaks up moisture from the fresh concrete and becomes a uniform dark color. Then float the surface with wood floats or float blades on a power trowel. Do not use steel trowel or finish blades at this point in time. Steel trowels or finish blades will seal the concrete surface too soon trapping excess air and moisture in the slab which causes blistering in surface. After the second application has been floated and the surface water has disappeared, the concrete should be firm and ready for final finishing, use a steel trowel or finish blades for a smooth finish. Combination blades should not be used on shake-on floor hardeners. Stainless steel blades are suggested for finishing colored or white floors. Burnish or hard troweling will darken/splotch colored and white floors . Curing is critical. Use wet burlap cure or apply a manufacturer approved curing compound. Do not use a water cure, wet burlap cure, or waterproof paper to cure a colored or white shake-on floor. Removable wax emulsions are suggested for colored/white floors. The above recommendations are applicable for most applications; however refer to data sheets, installation guidelines, and bag or label instructions for recommendations for each specific product .