MASCO Catalog: Concrete Forming & Accessories

35 MASONS SUPPLY COMPANY Oregon (800) 537-3407 ♦ Washington (800) 537-6216 Clackamas | Eugene | West Eugene | Hillsboro | Medford | Portland | Salem | Ridgefield | Seattle | Tacoma | Woodinville M A S C O . N E T HORIZ. FORMING & SHORING DOKADEK Putting up the 1st row of floor props • Put up each removable folding tripod. • Put up floor props (complete with corner and wall heads) directly against the wall and secure them with Remov- able folding tripods. • Refer to the wall clamp to find out how far apart the floor props have to be spaced. • Adjust the 1st and 2nd floor props to the right height and fix them with a wall clamp to prevent them from tipping over. To do this, mount the wall clamp as high up the wall as possible, using a tie-rod and Superplate. If there are tie-holes near the top of the wall, use these. • Persons 1 and 2: Hook the panel onto the corner head and the wall head. • Person 1: Swing panel up. • Person 2: Hook the assembling tool into the middle of the outside cross profile of the panel, raise the panel and secure the assembling tool so that it cannot tip over. (max. inclination of the assembling tool with respect to the perpendicular: 5°) • Person 1: Place a floor prop (plus XF wall head) beneath the panel. The panel must still also be supported by the assembling tool. • Person 1: Tilt the panel up. • Person 2: Hook the assembling tool into the middle of the outside cross profile of the panel, raise the panel and secure the assembling tool so that it cannot tip over. • Person 1: Place a floor prop (plus XF drop head) beneath both panels. • Person 2: Remove the assembling tool from the 1st panel. The 2nd panel must still also be supported by the assembling tool. (max. inclination of the assembling tool with respect to the perpendicular: 5°) • Set up further panels in the same way, until only the planned infill zone is left unformed. Ensure stability during the set-up. • Turn the adjusting nut on the floor prop to raise it and the corner head by 2 cm. • Persons 1 and 2: Hook the next panel into the heads. CORNER HEAD WALL HEAD Mounting the 1st row of panels Mount further panels 2 cm