MASCO Catalog: Concrete Forming & Accessories
242 MASONS SUPPLY COMPANY Oregon (800) 537-3407 ♦ Washington (800) 537-6216 Clackamas | Eugene | West Eugene | Hillsboro | Medford | Portland | Salem | Ridgefield | Seattle | Tacoma | Woodinville M A S C O . N E T GENERAL & TECH INFO CHARTS Support spacings are governed by bending, shear or deflection. Maximum deflection e /270 of spacing, but not more than 1/8". Note: F b and F v shown above includes a 25% increase because of short term loading conditions. Horizontal shear stress adjustment assumes members have no splits, checks or shakes. Safe Spacing of Supports for Double Ledgers or Wales Continuous Over Four or More Supports Based on use of No. 2 Grade Southern Pine or Douglas Fir-Larch Uniform Load, Pounds per LF (Equals Design Load, Pounds per Sq. Ft. Times Ledger or Wale Centers in ft.) F b = varies psi E = 1,400,000 psi F v = 225 psi Nominal Size Lumber, bxh (S4S) at 19% Maximum Moisture Double 2 x 4 Double 2 x 6 Double 2 x 8 Double 3 x 6 Double 3 x 8 F b psi 1625 1438 1313 1438 1313 1,000 35" 51" 64" 66" 83" 1,100 33" 49" 61" 63" 79" 1,200 32" 47" 59" 60" 76" 1,300 30" 45" 56" 58" 73" 1,400 29" 43" 54" 56" 70" 1,500 28" 42" 53" 54" 68" 1,600 27" 40" 51" 52" 66" 1,700 26" 39" 49" 51" 64" 1,800 25" 38" 48" 49" 62" 1,900 24" 37" 47" 48" 60" 2,000 23" 36" 45" 47" 59" 2,200 21" 34" 43" 44" 56" 2,400 20" 32" 42" 43" 54" 2,600 19" 30" 40" 41" 51" 2,800 18" 29" 38" 39" 50" 3,000 18" 28" 36" 38" 48" 3,200 17" 26" 35" 37" 46" 3,400 16" 26" 34" 35" 45" 3,600 16" 25" 33" 34" 44" 3,800 15" 24" 32" 33" 43" 4,000 15" 23" 31" 32" 42" Wale or Ledger Centers Support Spacing Support Spacing Support Spacing
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